Port of Calais Opens New Freight Truck Facilities to Increase Security


Port of Calais has opened its new, smart reception zone for trucks, therefore creating a safer passage to Dover. At present security is the considerably matter for drivers with freight companies and industry associations calling for more to be done by the relevant authorities on either side of the border to protect UK-bound lorries.

As said by the Port of Calais the new reception will be able to optimise the waiting time for the arrival of 1.9 million trucks that uses the port each year. The area can be directly reachable from the A16 and A26 and from now on drivers can have free Wi-Fi access throughout the zone.

In late 2015 the park allowed the arrival up to 300 trucks at the same time, however the new secure and computerised lorry car park (buffer) due to open by the end of September will be able to offer up to 1,100 secure heavy-weight trucks location.

Thanks to CCTV systems and a new 4 metre high concrete wall the buffer area will be highly secure.  According to Handy Shipping Guide his mention of a ‘secure fence’ is thought to refer to the €2.7 million, 4 metre high concrete wall which Britain is set to construct and due to run for a kilometre along the dual carriageway leading into the port where so many of the attacks on drivers have taken place.

This construction has been criticised by the locals who think that nothing will stop the attempts to flee to Britain.


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