Transport by road is the best option for shipping goods between the UK and other European countries, be it the Continent or Ireland.
At Unipac Shipping we can expertly handle your cartons, pallets, part load, specialist loads and oversized loads and deliver securely between collection and destination point.
Working with carefully selected and approved trucking companies specialising in all European destinations, we provide impartial advice and tailored service.
For smaller shipments two levels of service are available
- Groupage- longer transit time at a lower cost (your cargo is consolidated with other customers’ goods)
- Dedicated service – quick and more expensive (next day delivery to most Western European countries on a vehicle dedicated exclusively for your cargo)
In the UK rail transport is used to deliver containers to and from the UK port of arrival or departure. When the distance from port is more than 150 miles and there is a nearby container train terminal, this will be a lower cost alternative to all road delivery. Container trains run daily from major ports and service is efficient.
Rail has also become increasingly popular as a method of transporting goods between China and Europe. Shipping by rail can be quicker than by sea (15-25 days) and cheaper than by air.
FCL service–containers from China arrive at Liege (Belgium) or Duisburg (Germany) from where they are delivered by truck to the UK.
LCL service—connection from Xi’an to Duisburg (Germany) by rail, then delivery to London by truck.
China has recently invested heavily in rail services to Europe to have an available alternative to sea transport. You can see in the picture below the extensive network. Please ask for schedules and pricing.