International Shipping Focus Of World Maritime Day 2016

The importance of cargo shipping to the world’s economy has been unveiled as the key theme for World Maritime Day in 2016, it’s been revealed this week.

According to the Maritime Executive, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) endorsed the theme for 2016 in a meeting at their London headquarters.

Secretary-General of the IMO Koji Sekimizu said: “The importance of shipping to support and sustain today\’s global society gives IMO\’s work a significance that reaches far beyond the industry itself”

He went on to say that 90 per cent of world trade is carried by international shipping, and without freighters importing and exporting on such huge scales, the modern world would simply not be possible. This, he says, is something of which the wider world needs to be made more aware.

While World Maritime Day itself is held in London, each year there is a parallel event in a country strongly linked to import and export goods. In 2016, the parallel event will be held in Turkey. This year’s event will take place on the 29th September.

Yes, it’s only been a short while since World Maritime Day 2015, which opted for a slightly different tact for its theme – focusing on the education available (historically and in the present day) to seafarers and especially those working in the shipping industry.

As part of the celebrations, the iMO held a symposium as well as open days with cadets for those considering entering the industry. The parallel event for 2015 was held in Japan in July.

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