Track your SEA Shipments! A great new service from Unipac!


Here at Unipac, we do everything we possibly can to ensure your goods get delivered as smoothly as possible, completely hassle free, with no stress or worries for you. We understand the importance of your shipment and are continually looking for more solutions to make your experience with us a great one.

We got to thinking “Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep track of your sea shipments, the way you can track courier and air shipments“?

With Unipac Shipping – now you CAN!

It is with great pleasure we announce the launch of our new tracking system for sea shipments!

The tracking system can accessed via the Unipac Shipping website. Simply log in and away you go. Your sea shipments will be listed, along with departure and arrival dates, vessel details, size of shipment and delivery date.

The tracking system is a secured site for your protection and can only be accessed with your personal usernames and passwords which are available on request.

To get yourself up and running please contact [email protected]



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