FTA: Mayoral Transport Plan Should Include Freight

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has said the next mayoral candidate for London should include plans for improved freight services in their transport manifesto.

Speaking positively about Sadiq Khan’s hopes for an affordable London transport system, the FTA stated that better freight logistics would also be in the interest of those living in the capital and therefore needs to be considered.

Head of national and regional policy at the FTA Christopher Snelling said affordable transport “means freight just as much as passengers”.

He commented: “Freight delivers London’s economy – any increase in the cost of delivering goods in London will increase the cost of businesses, and ultimately the cost of living for residents in London.”

Labour politician Mr Khan, who is in the lead to take over from Conservative MP Boris Johnson, also revealed ambitious plans to improve London’s housing, by hoping to build more properties to meet the demand of residents.

However, Mr Snelling added that to do this construction work, the delivery and removal of materials need to be thoroughly considered. Making freight services more affordable will thereby help the construction industry to build new homes for Londoners, making the city a better, but not more expensive, place to live and work.

Indeed, speaking with The Economist, Mr Khan said a mayor is needed who will “address the housing crisis”.

He stated he wants to make renting more affordable, to introduce a London Living Rent in line with earnings not house prices, implement tougher action against rogue landlords, and to fill the “tens of thousands of homes in London sitting empty”.

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